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What still we need...

Started by Black Hole Sun, 14 December 2009 à 07:31:47

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modesti, I would have believed you wiser :D

:desole: for my very bad english. :p
   "Libre de penser... pensez Libre" :p   =8?()>


It seems as if you don't know me yet - or at least not as well as you think :siflotte:
Last Unicorn of L'Alliance Francophone
Under the most rigorously controlled conditions of pressure, temperature, volume, humidity and other variables, the computer will do as it damn well pleases. (Harvard's Law, as Applied to Computers)


Plus de fesses !

Ooops sorry this is not English :D

(but I guess you know what I mean ;) )


 :D Good morning and hello modesti,

:siflotte: maybe we need for animation only, LOVE and FLOWERS and  :gropet:  same in the 60`ties ???  :siflotte:

:frenchy: SEARCHER

Member of Charity Team


 :D We need more Members and Cores, before the Charity Team Race 2010 is finished  ;) :D

:frenchy: SEARCHER
Member of Charity Team


And we need more WUs to crunch :siflotte:

Last Unicorn of L'Alliance Francophone
Under the most rigorously controlled conditions of pressure, temperature, volume, humidity and other variables, the computer will do as it damn well pleases. (Harvard's Law, as Applied to Computers)


Now we got them ! What else do we need ?


 :D @JeromeC, we need more Time to Plan the Charity Team Race 2011.  :D

:frenchy: SEARCHER
Member of Charity Team